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Rick Donovan

Born 1963

Rick Donovan (born Roy Michael Artley) was sometimes called Rick "Humongous" Donovan because of his famously enormous cock, one of the biggest in porn during his career. Donovan was well-known for his many porn appearances from 1983 to the late '90s or early 2000s. In Nova's full-sound feature, Heroes (1984), Donovan plays a famous musician who sings while being worshipped/blown by a young man who idolizes him. Donovan actually performed the vocals to this song, which was written by composer Garth Evans (who also wrote theme songs for Getting It, Below the Belt, Something Wild, and Brian's Boys). Donovan put in a very memorable appearance in Matt Sterling's 1984 film The Bigger the Better, topping Peter North (aka Matt Ramsey). Donovan also starred in a few bisexual films, was photographed for many magazines, and worked with Leo Ford, Toby Ross, and other major stars and directors of the era.

Selected Filmography:

Heroes (1984)
Giants 1 (1984)
Getting It (1984)
The Bigger the Better (1984)
Ivy League (1985)

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Rick Donovan's Content

Who is Toby Ross and what will I find on

Toby Ross is one of the original pioneers of gay porn, big budget production films and gay erotica starting back in the 70s and still works in gay films to this day in one context or another. Here on the site, you'll find full length gay films and scenes that Toby has produced and directed over the years including vintage 70s San Francisco cult classics, GLBT festival films and what Toby Ross himself calls "Darkrotica." Along with main stream production and classic gay videos, there are documentary films as well. One thing is for certain, you won't find this collection of uncensored gay films anywhere else.

The works of Toby Ross are often referred to as the Abercrombie & Fitch of gay porn and his newer videos are a continuation of the old San Francisco style films such as Schoolmates, Reflections of Youth and Do Me Evil. Toby always had a love to combine well endowed young men being serviced in a college setting and it shows. Join Toby Ross for an exciting ride that will thrill and excite your mind, body and a particular part of your anatomy. See you inside!